An Oasis in the Desert

Christian Community Church

Connecting Our Community With Christ

Welcome to CCC!

One Lord, One Mediator, One Savior

Here at Christian Community Church, we believe that God created men and women in His image to have a relationship with Him. Yet, starting with Adam, men and women have rebelled and rejected that relationship with God. But in demonstrating mercy towards us God provided a way of salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ. This is the essence of the gospel that we teach here at Christian Community.

We believe that God has provided His word, to us, through scripture, the Bible. We believe it must be taught in its entirety, including the Old and New Testament. The Bible is a book about Jesus, and it is imperative that our eyes are fixed upon Him in the reading of scripture. It is by God’s Word that we see the folly and foolishness of men’s wisdom and adhere by faith to the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible not only gives instructions on how to obtain salvation, but also encourage us, as Christians, how to live in a fallen world with the aid of the Holy Spirit. It is our desire that the teaching and preaching of Christian Community would assist believers in their understanding of Scripture and the responsibilities of Christian living.

The Church makes the greatest impact when it is different from the world it resides in. It is then that the Church can offer the message of reconciliation with the God of the Universe to a fallen world.

Pastor Bruce
Christian Community Church

Weekly Events

Men's Bible Study

Saturdays at 10am

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays at 1pm

Choir Practice

Wednesdays at 5pm

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

Wednesdays at 6pm

Watch Us Live

Our Sunday services are available livestream starting at 11am. Our past services are also available online through the link below.